Summer Watercolour Showcase Returns to Forfar

Our 5th Annual Summer Exhibition has returned for a third visit to the Meffan Museum & Art Gallery in Forfar.  The exhibition, which was open to all watercolour artists in Scotland, features over 180 new works by some of Scotland’s leading artists alongside talented young artists from across the country.  A wide variety of subjects and

Summer Showcase of Watercolours Returns to Ayr

Our 4th Open Annual Summer Exhibition, featuring leading and emerging Scottish artists,  returns for a second visit to The Maclaurin Art Gallery in Ayr this summer. RSW President, John Inglis said “We’re delighted to have this opportunity to return to Ayrshire, a part of Scotland which has influenced and inspired many artists.  We hope visitors to

Summer Exhibition Opens in Forfar

  Our 3rd Annual Summer Exhibition featuring over 180 paintings by leading and emerging watercolour artists is now on at the The Meffan in Forfar. This is the perfect opportunity to experience watercolour painting in the 21st century and everyone who visits the exhibition is certain to find something to capture their imagination.  The names