Eat and Drink Italy Purchase Award
Michael Clark RSW PAI ‘Waiter, Paris, October’ Cat No 74
The Alison Prosser Award £500
Anne Skinner ‘Winter Mist’ Cat No 20
John Busby Award £500
George Gilbert RSW ‘The Drying Green’ Cat No 4
RSW Council Award £500
Donald Paterson RSW ‘Blues, Wester Ross, Winter’ Cat No 145
House for an Art Lover Exhibition in Art Lover’s Café Gallery and £500
Isla Valentine Wade ‘My Passion is Dead’ Cat No 193
Scottish Artists’ Benevolent Association £300
Christopher Brook ‘Storm Vessel’ Cat No 205
RSW New Graduate Award £300
Atticus Tayar ‘Birch Trees, in Winter’ Cat No 212
The Turcan Connell Award £250
Jean Hill ‘Winter Fog in the Den’ Cat No 102
Sir William Gillies Award £250
Ian Kinnear RSW ‘Spring Planting’ Cat No 107
May Marshall Brown Award £250
Gillian Melville ‘These are a few of my favourite things’ Cat No 29
John Gray Award £200
Carol Dewart RSW PAI ‘The Good Seed on the Land’ Cat No 51
Two RSW Watermark Awards £50 each
Jenny Handley ‘Little Bouquet’ Cat No 44
Louise Day ‘Flow 2’ Cat No 154
The Scottish Arts Club Award Solo Exhibition and 2 years membership
Sylvia Von Hartmann RSW ‘There it is, ready for Paradise’ Cat No 28
Dumfries House Residences Award
Liz Myhill RSW
Jackie Stevenson RSW